Thursday, January 9, 2014

Miss Mary's Headwrap

Miss Mary's Headwrap


One Size fits most – Width 4.5 in Length  19in 

1 skein RedHearts “With Love” (370 yrds) like 1/3 or less of a skein
Size 7 (4.5mm) needles – straight or circular which ever you prefer.
Cable needle
Large eyed tapestry needle (for weaving ends)

Each 12-row repeat of the cable pattern is approximately 2 inches in length.

C4: slip next two stitches onto a cable needle and move to front of work; knit next two stitches on left-hand needle and then knit two stitches from cable needle.
T3R: slip next stitch on cable needle and move to back of work; knit next two stitches on left-hand needle and then purl the stitch from the cable needle.
T3L: slip next two stitches to cable needle and move to front of work; purl next stitch on left-hand needle and then knit the two stitches from the cable needle.
M1: make an additional stitch by working into the previous row between the current and next stitch.
M1P: M1 purlwise
SSK: decrease one stitch with a slip, slip, knit
K2tog: knit to together
P2tog: purl to together

There is a K4 at the beginning and end of EVERY row.  I prefer to place a stitch marker separating them from the middle section to help me, but you may use your own discretion.  

Cable Pattern: (over 22 stitches and 12 rows)

R1: (rs) k4, p5, c4, p5, k4 (30)
R2: And every EVEN ROW: K4, K in Ks, P in Ps, K4
R3: K4, P4, T3R, T3L, P4, K4
R5: K4, P3, T3R, P2, T3L, P3, K4
R7: K4, P3, K2, P4, K2, P3, K4
R9: K, P3, T3L, P2, T3R, P4, K4
R11: K4, P4, T3L, T3R, P4, K4
R12: K4, K the ks, p the ps, K4


Cast on 9 stitches.

R1-6: Knit all stitches
R7: (RS) K5, M1, K4 (10)
R8-10: K10
R11: K4, M1, K2, M1, K4 (12)
R12: K4, P4, K4
R13: K12 (12)
R14: K4, P4, K4
R15: K4, M1, K4, M1, K4 (14)
R16: K4, K1, P4, K1, K4
R17: K4, P1, K4, P1, K4 (14)
R18: K4, K1, P4, K1, K4
R19: K4, P1, M1P, K4, M1P, P1, K4 (16)
R20: K4, K2, P4, K2, K4
R21: K4, P2, K4, P2, K4 (16)
R22: K4, K2, P4, K2, K4
R23: K4, P1, M1P, P1, K4, P1, M1P, P1, K4 (18)
R24: K4, K3, P4, K3, K4
R25: K4, P3, K4, K3, K4 (18)
R26: K4, K3, P4, K3, K4
R27: K4, P1, M1P, P2, C4, P2, M1P, P1, K4 (20)
R28: K4, K4, P4, K4, K4
R29: K4, P4, K4, P4, K4 (20)
R30: K4, K4, P4, K4, K4
R31: K4, P2, M1P, P1, T3R, T3L, P1, M1P, P1, K4 (22)
R32: K4, K4, P2, K2, P2, K4, K4

Work rows 5-12 of cable pattern.

Work 4 repeats of cable pattern ( total of 48 rows)

Work rows 1-8 of cable pattern.


R1: (rs) K4, P1, P2tog, T3L, P2, T3R, P2tog, P1, K4 (20)
R2: K4, K3, P2, K2, P2, K3, K4
R3: K4, P3, K2, P2, K2, P3, K4 (20)
R4: K4, K3, P2, K2, P2, K3, K4
R5: K4, P2tog, P1, T3L, T3R, P2tog, P1, K4 (18)
R6: K4, K3, P4, K3, K4
R7: K4, P3, K4, P3, K4 (18)
R8: K4, K3, P4, K3, K4
R9: K4, P2tog, P1, C4, P2tog, P1, K4 (16)
R10: K4, K2, P4, K2, K4
R11: K4, P2, K4, P2, K4 (16)
R12: K4, K2, P4, K2, K4
R13: K4, P2tog, K4, P2tog, K4 (14)
R14: K4, K1, P4, K1, K4
R15: K4, P1, K4, P1, K4 (14)
R16: K4, K1, P4, K1, K4
R17: K4, K2tog, K2, K2tog, K4 (12)
R18: K4, P4, K4
R19: K12 (12)
R20: K4, P4, K4
R21: K4, SSK, K2TOG, K4 (10)
R22-24: K10
R25: K4, K2tog, K4 (9)
R26-29: K9
R30: k4, YO, K2tog, K3 (9) (Button hole made)
R31-32: K9

Cast off.  Sew button on other end.   Weave in yarn ends.  

This pattern is untested by anyone other than me.  If you find any errors please contact me and I will make corrections.  You may use this pattern as you like, I just ask you to please give me credit for the pattern. 


  1. I really like this and will try it as soon as I finish my current project. Thanks, for gifting this!

  2. Thank you. I am glad you like it. If you see any errors or have any concerns message me.

  3. I,m on my decreases. I worked 1-8 of the cable and then started with decreases. It seems like there should be a twist around R5-R8. My copy is Jan.2014. Is there an errata I,m missing. My Granddaughter LOVES this pattern so I,m surprising her!!
