Thursday, January 9, 2014

Miss Mary's Headwrap

Miss Mary's Headwrap


One Size fits most – Width 4.5 in Length  19in 

1 skein RedHearts “With Love” (370 yrds) like 1/3 or less of a skein
Size 7 (4.5mm) needles – straight or circular which ever you prefer.
Cable needle
Large eyed tapestry needle (for weaving ends)

Each 12-row repeat of the cable pattern is approximately 2 inches in length.

C4: slip next two stitches onto a cable needle and move to front of work; knit next two stitches on left-hand needle and then knit two stitches from cable needle.
T3R: slip next stitch on cable needle and move to back of work; knit next two stitches on left-hand needle and then purl the stitch from the cable needle.
T3L: slip next two stitches to cable needle and move to front of work; purl next stitch on left-hand needle and then knit the two stitches from the cable needle.
M1: make an additional stitch by working into the previous row between the current and next stitch.
M1P: M1 purlwise
SSK: decrease one stitch with a slip, slip, knit
K2tog: knit to together
P2tog: purl to together

There is a K4 at the beginning and end of EVERY row.  I prefer to place a stitch marker separating them from the middle section to help me, but you may use your own discretion.  

Cable Pattern: (over 22 stitches and 12 rows)

R1: (rs) k4, p5, c4, p5, k4 (30)
R2: And every EVEN ROW: K4, K in Ks, P in Ps, K4
R3: K4, P4, T3R, T3L, P4, K4
R5: K4, P3, T3R, P2, T3L, P3, K4
R7: K4, P3, K2, P4, K2, P3, K4
R9: K, P3, T3L, P2, T3R, P4, K4
R11: K4, P4, T3L, T3R, P4, K4
R12: K4, K the ks, p the ps, K4


Cast on 9 stitches.

R1-6: Knit all stitches
R7: (RS) K5, M1, K4 (10)
R8-10: K10
R11: K4, M1, K2, M1, K4 (12)
R12: K4, P4, K4
R13: K12 (12)
R14: K4, P4, K4
R15: K4, M1, K4, M1, K4 (14)
R16: K4, K1, P4, K1, K4
R17: K4, P1, K4, P1, K4 (14)
R18: K4, K1, P4, K1, K4
R19: K4, P1, M1P, K4, M1P, P1, K4 (16)
R20: K4, K2, P4, K2, K4
R21: K4, P2, K4, P2, K4 (16)
R22: K4, K2, P4, K2, K4
R23: K4, P1, M1P, P1, K4, P1, M1P, P1, K4 (18)
R24: K4, K3, P4, K3, K4
R25: K4, P3, K4, K3, K4 (18)
R26: K4, K3, P4, K3, K4
R27: K4, P1, M1P, P2, C4, P2, M1P, P1, K4 (20)
R28: K4, K4, P4, K4, K4
R29: K4, P4, K4, P4, K4 (20)
R30: K4, K4, P4, K4, K4
R31: K4, P2, M1P, P1, T3R, T3L, P1, M1P, P1, K4 (22)
R32: K4, K4, P2, K2, P2, K4, K4

Work rows 5-12 of cable pattern.

Work 4 repeats of cable pattern ( total of 48 rows)

Work rows 1-8 of cable pattern.


R1: (rs) K4, P1, P2tog, T3L, P2, T3R, P2tog, P1, K4 (20)
R2: K4, K3, P2, K2, P2, K3, K4
R3: K4, P3, K2, P2, K2, P3, K4 (20)
R4: K4, K3, P2, K2, P2, K3, K4
R5: K4, P2tog, P1, T3L, T3R, P2tog, P1, K4 (18)
R6: K4, K3, P4, K3, K4
R7: K4, P3, K4, P3, K4 (18)
R8: K4, K3, P4, K3, K4
R9: K4, P2tog, P1, C4, P2tog, P1, K4 (16)
R10: K4, K2, P4, K2, K4
R11: K4, P2, K4, P2, K4 (16)
R12: K4, K2, P4, K2, K4
R13: K4, P2tog, K4, P2tog, K4 (14)
R14: K4, K1, P4, K1, K4
R15: K4, P1, K4, P1, K4 (14)
R16: K4, K1, P4, K1, K4
R17: K4, K2tog, K2, K2tog, K4 (12)
R18: K4, P4, K4
R19: K12 (12)
R20: K4, P4, K4
R21: K4, SSK, K2TOG, K4 (10)
R22-24: K10
R25: K4, K2tog, K4 (9)
R26-29: K9
R30: k4, YO, K2tog, K3 (9) (Button hole made)
R31-32: K9

Cast off.  Sew button on other end.   Weave in yarn ends.  

This pattern is untested by anyone other than me.  If you find any errors please contact me and I will make corrections.  You may use this pattern as you like, I just ask you to please give me credit for the pattern. 

Friday, December 6, 2013

Cable Owl Ear Warmers

I have had many people request my owl cable ear warmer pattern. So here it is.  I have not had it tested so if you find a mistake let me know.

owl pattern:
OWL CROSS: skip 2 stitches, fptr next 2 st, reach in FRONT of trebles and fptr in each of the skipped stitches.  skip 2 stitch, fptr next 2 st, reach BEHIND of trebles just made and fptr in each skipped stitch
OWL 1: fpdc in each fptr.

*At the end of each row join and ch1, first stitch goes in same stitch as joining. DO NOT TURN!

D hook -toddler size
E hook - child size
F hook - adult size
worsted yarn

1: fsc (foundation sc) 66 stitches
2: 10 sc, 4 dc, *2 fpdc, 4 dc, 2 fpdc, 2 dc* rep 4 times, 2 dc, 10 sc
3: 10 sc, 4 dc, *owl cross, 2 dc* rep 4 times, 2 dc, 10 sc
4: 10 sc, 4dc, *owl 1, 2 dc*  rep 4 times, 2 dc, 10 sc
5: 10 sc, 4 dc, *owl 1, 2 dc* rep 4 times, 2 dc, 10 sc
6: 10 sc, 4 dc, *owl cross, 2 dc* rep 4 times, 2 dc, 10 sc
7--9: 10 sc, 4 dc, *owl 1, 2 dc* rep 4 times, 2 dc, 10 sc
10: 10 sc, 4 dc, *owl cross, 2 dc* rep 4 times, 2 dc, 10 sc
11: 10 sc, 4 dc, *owl 1, 2 dc* rep 4 times, 2 dc, 10 sc
12: sc around
FO weave in ends, add buttons for eyes.

Use as you would like, but please give me credit for the pattern.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Time flies

Wow how time flies.  Most of the time we've been having fun.  How can a year go by so fast? 

So much and so little has happened, where to start?  How about with me then on to the children.

I've met somebody great.  I won't post his name until he gives me permission.  He is wonderful on many levels.  We've been dating for 9 months now.  I've moved, it puts us in a better school district.  This helps Wyatt, he got in to the special ed preschool finally.  The last school district told us he was perfectly normal.  This school district tested him and have him far below average scores.  He is on an IEP.  This is helping him greatly.  Transitions are still a PITA but it will help prepare him for kindergarten.  Speaking of Wyatt, he got his feeding tube removed.  :D :happydance: His growth is going steady. He is finaly the size of an average 2.5 to 3 yr old. to bad he's almost 4yrs old.  BUT he is in the 18th percentile in weight, which is up from the 1/2 percentile. WOO HOO!!!!!! 

Issy is in the 5th grade now.  And attempting to turn into a teenager.  UGH NOOOOOO!  I do not accept this.  She's to young.  ok she's 10yrs now, still a baby :(  She's loving her new school.  This is a nice surprise, she was so worried she wouldn't make any friends, but as usual she made tons her first day.  Nothing much else to note on her front. 

Katie my big 3rd grader.  She is doing so much better in school now.  I am glad we switched schools.  She is trying so much harder here.   It makes a mama proud.  That is about all i have to say about her.

All the kids were in swimming lessons, but we've taken a break for a while from all outside activities. Our lives are so busy without them.  I just want to relax and have family time, not run from one thing to another. 

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Mamma of 3 Lovelys Custom Crochet

I'm so excited. It's just a hobby, but its fun to see it all organized like this.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

We survived another year

Wow! i had completely forgotten about this blog. Life has been that crazy busy. Well I made it through the rest of last years program and as miracle would have it, this years too.

Wyatt's surgery went well, and he's thriving so well he is no longer using his feeding tube. He is seeing a few therapist, which are helping TONS, but keeping me busy as ever. Oh ya, don't forget the now possibility of autism. Nothing major, a minor autism. Most likely Asperger's or something in that range. Just one more set of testing to juggle no biggie. BUT if it turnes out true, it would help a ton. We would know now to help him better.

Issy is growing fast as ever. She spent all last winter/spring and half of the summer in swimming. She has passed all the swimming courses the YMCA has. She is now is SOS (strengthen our swimmers). She's LOVING it, it is her dream to join swim team when she's able to. She also has started playing the violin, and K-Kids (kiwana for kids). Busy, busy, busy child. She does all this and is able to keep her grades are top of her class and above "the average scores for the school district AND state". SO proud of this one.

KK, she is my respite. She isn't doing any extra stuff at the moment, but begging to join girl scouts. I want to let her, but the question is do i have any time left in our schedule to accommodate it? Her grades are doing good, one of the top in her class, but her behavior/attitude that's another story. She gets bored easy, so she goofs off and drags other into it with her. I've tried talking to them about enrichment classes because she's bored because she isn't challenged. They said she has to improve her attitude/behavior before they will consider it. So the vicious circle continues.

Myself I have started couponing. It is so nice to be at the end of the month and not have to eat peanut butter sandwiches cause the cupboards are bare and foodstamps don't renew for 2 more days. I actually get name brand shampoo and laundry detergent and toilet paper. Do you know how awesome that is? its heaven! BUT be warned DO NOT get in line behind me. check out usually takes me 45-60 min. Yes thats right, an hour just to check out. Every Saturday i spend an average of 4-5 hrs shopping. BUT i save an average of 75-85% off regular price. Occasionally i even save 100%. Yup nothing better than getting done to hear "your balance is... oh wait you don't have a balance. AWESOME" especially when it started at $100.00. I am still crocheting. I even mastered knitting. My darling daughters bought me needles and how to books for Christmas last year so I said what the heck! But crocheting is still my passion. WOW this has gotten long and I can't think of much else to say for now, there for I will leave it here for now.

Live and let Live, Love and let your self be loved in return. :D

Monday, September 27, 2010

life as we know it

Well life is coming along. Slow yet lighting fast at the same time. hurry up and wait! the story of my live. It seems like everything is hurry up do this, yet wait we can't fit you in yet. i think i've gotten my life together and ready to go to Seattle for Wyatt's surgery. Work is driving me crazy. My coworkers are lazy slobs. They just wanna come to work sit on their asses and get paid. but never actually do anything. we are getting inspected by the fed tomorrow to renew our grant. you know our whole running budget. And they could care less. I have been busting my butt to get all the to do lists done. My bosses love me and thank me everyday for everything i've been doing. I have been asked to come back for the next program. They say they are very happy to have somebody there that actually wants to work and want me to know they appreciate it. It really helps at these trying times. I feel so ready to quit and walk away most day. But knowing that the boss people appreciate me and want me to stick around. 3 more weeks of this is all i have to do. 3 more weeks of the idiots. and the idiots will not be asked to return next program. I can take solice in that fact. hmmmm so tired so tired. must rest now. No rest for the wicked.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

life today

I completely forgot about this blog. not that anybody reads it. I have been super busy. I've been working. YAYEE for that! but wyatt has gotten worse now. I am struggling to keep up with his needs and work and not forget his sisters all at the same time. We have now decided he will be getting a g-tube. I feel horribly guilty about this, but it will help him qualify him for the extra help i need to be able to care for him. ATM he's stuck in the middle ground where he's not disabled enough to get extra help from any programs, but to much extra work for regular daycares to care for him. I wish i could just stay home with him. He does so much better that way. BUT someone has to make money to pay the bills since his father isn't paying childsupport anymore. Monday the 13th we go for the surgical consultation. Not sure where i'm at with all this. I've compartmentalized atm and will be dealing with later. I don't have anytime to work through my emotions right now. All i know is i am doing what is best for my son and that is all that matters.